Photo by: Miriam Hoffmann Photography
Atlanta Fresh 48 Photography
Fresh 48... They will never ever be this little again. Us moms go through so much during labor and delivery. Photos might be the last thing on your mind, but trust me, you will want to remember this, you'll want to have these memories.
Everything is such a haze, especially if you are a first time mom, you don't know what to expect, you don't know what's next. But what you really don't know, how fast your life will start moving from this point on. So slow down... It's ok... You might not feel at your prettiest, but you just brought this tiny human into the world. Document it! Because there will be the day when you will want to remember this. To remember how little once they were.
Fresh 48 sessions will take place either at the hospital or at your home (if that's where you delivered) within 48 hours of birth. These sessions take anywhere between 45min to 1 hr. It's usually very quiet and serene. I just bring my camera and document your itty bitty baby. I don't ask questions, I don't make you do anything. I know that you are one exhausted mama. This is a great session for sibling introductions as well.
-Atlanta, GA Fresh 48 Photographer